Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Menu Cards...

For years I have made out a weekly calendar of meals, noting ingredients to add to my weekly shopping list. I know it has saved me money and trips to the store each week. Over the years, I have used computer generated calendars, but most recently this:
It's worked for us. My only two complaints would be: 1-the dry erase markers do not fully erase leaving colored smears on the board and 2-coming up with ideas for the meals.

This spring I found something that would take care of both of these issues. But I knew I would need time over the summer to make it happen. So I sat down 2 weeks ago and typed these up. The next day I printed, laminated, cut, and placed magnets on the back of all 46 of them, including two blanks, for meals out and new recipes. Now all I have to do is sort through the cards and place them on the board. Less thinking, easy planning, and cute to boot!

Here they are:
The great thing is, I can easily make more cards as new favorites come along because they were generated through a PDF file. I was going to provide the link, but as of now, I can't access the site. But in order to give credit where credit is due, I was able to download them from:

One of the fabulously talented ladies who contributes to this blog, generated these adorable cards you can type right on. Warning: when you open them, a large white text box appears, the box does NOT print.

I plan to check back to be able to provide the link, otherwise leave a comment with your email address and I would be happy to share!

The one problem I have encountered with these is the flack I take if I don't serve everything indicated on the card. No need to fear I am already 'Cricutting' a disclaimer regarding how all meals are subject to change at the discretion of the cook.

1 comment:

Just Kristina... said...

What a great idea!! You are far too organized. I love that though. Dinner at our house goes a little something like this...
Me: What are you working tonight?
Ken: I'm at work until 10:00 p.m.
Me: Okay. I'm assuming you're on your own for dinner then?
Ken: I guess so.
Yeah. And, if he is home that night, I opt for something easy like tacos. But I do cook a nice dinner on Sunday where we're both home. I should do a menu thing though. It looks like meal planning would be a lot easier.